- Daddy, who's phone number is this (holding up the cell phone with lots of pressed numbers on the face). Chris says, "I think it is Santa's secretary, Cooper". Coop's response was, "Santa's CEMETARY?"
- At dinner one night, Coop dropped a piece of corn on his shirt. I said, "Cooper, you dropped some corn on your shirt." Cooper says, "I know, Mommy. I am saving it for later".
- "Hey Mommy, do you know what the word cracker starts with"? "Yes, Cooper, it starts with the letter C". Cooper replied, "No it doesn't, Mommy. It starts with Cra-......just like CRAP".
There are many more that I am forgetting, so I will be sure to post more later! What are some funny moments that your kids have said/done?
Until the next crazy thing in life happens,